Brand: World's Smallest Toys
Model: 6686
The world's top-selling 3D puzzle is now available in the world's smallest size! Twist and turn the cube using various combinations to return it to its original state one solid color on every side. The World's Smallest collection from Super Impulse are miniature replicas of iconic brands. These are..
Excl. BTW:9,99
Brand: World's Smallest Toys
Model: 6687
The tiniest version of America's #1 card game. Quick exciting and fun for everyone! Play by matching color number or play an action card against your opponent. When you're down to one card don’t forget to yell UNO!. Complete deck of 108 cards! The World's Smallest collection from Super Impulse are ..
Excl. BTW:7,99
Brand: Games Workshop Webstore Exclusive
Model: MO-FW-T04
This A4-sized sheet contains 977 high-quality full-colour waterslide transfers – more than enough for all but the largest Legiones Astartes forces. These transfers allow you to easily customise your miniatures with detailed imagery specifically designed for the World Eaters Legion. The sheet feature..
28,50 30,00
Excl. BTW:28,50
Brand: Games Workshop
Model: 43-28
Angron is the Red Angel Lord of the World Eaters the Daemon Primarch of Khorne. Raised as a slave in the brutal fighting pits of Nuceria this maddened demigod sought glorious death in the battles of the Horus Heresy – only to be damned to an eternity of undying rage. For ten thousand years he has sa..
114,75 135,00
Excl. BTW:114,75
Brand: Games Workshop
Model: 43-72
Eightbound are Heretic Astartes possessed by eight separate daemons of Khorne their swollen forms virtually unrecognisable from the World Eaters they once were. As a result these warped warriors exhibit unthinkable strength and savagery far in excess of their mortal brethren. Wielding all manner of ..
43,56 51,25
Excl. BTW:43,56
Brand: Games Workshop
Model: 43-57
Jakhals are chosen from the strongest most savage and bloodthirstiest followers of the World Eaters. Though merely human these elite cultists seek to emulate the frenzied purity of their gore-crazed masters in any way they can and dive into combat with wild abandon. Each Jakhal goes to battle strapp..
37,40 44,00
Excl. BTW:37,40
Brand: Games Workshop
Model: 43-25
This multipart plastic kit builds Khârn the Betrayer an iconic champion of the Blood God and his World Eaters Legion. Toting a destructive plasma pistol of ancient design Khârn swings Gorechild the savage chainaxe once wielded by his father Angron. His terrifying war-helm sports the classic Berzerke..
28,90 34,00
Excl. BTW:28,90
Brand: Games Workshop
Model: 43-10
Khorne Berzerkers relish their role as the Blood God’s sacred destroyers and their fanaticism is feared throughout the galaxy. The warp-fuelled rage of these superlative warriors drives them into a murderous frenzy of killing movement. Those who face them in battle are shredded under a rain of furio..
46,75 55,00
Excl. BTW:46,75
Brand: Games Workshop
Model: 43-26
Lord Invocatus is a master of swift raids devastating counter-attacks and relentless hit-and-run strategies. Also known as Khorne's Thunderbolt this born marauder thunders through the air as if riding across solid ground mounted on his massive juggernaut Khal’guruth. Devoted above all to the Blood G..
46,75 55,00
Excl. BTW:46,75
Brand: Piatnik
Model: PIA-223648
Twee sets speelkaarten in een giftdoos. De achterkant van elke set is bedrukt met een klassieke wereldkaart. De kaarten zijn in bridge formaat: 58 x 89 mm.Twee sets speelkaarten in een giftdoos. De achterkant van elke set is bedrukt met een klassieke wereldkaart. De kaarten zijn in bridge formaat: 5..
Excl. BTW:12,99
Brand: World of Dinosaurs, Toi-Toys
Model: 2430308
Deze dinosaurus ziet er op zich al heel stoer uit. Net een robot. Maar weet je wat het leuke is hij kan foampijlen schieten. Ja je hebt het goed. Het is dus eigenlijk een pistool. Stop één pijl van de 5 die je erbij krijgt in zijn bek. Trek aan het puntje van zijn staart om te laden en haal dan de t..
Excl. BTW:11,99
Brand: World of Dinosaurs
Model: 2430534
Dinosaurus flipperkastspelletje. Afmetingen: 25 x 125 centimeter. Geschikt voor kinderen vanaf 3 jaar...
Excl. BTW:2,99